Thursday, June 26, 2014

What's your pleasure?

I've been thinking today about how the things that I take pleasure in have changed since I got to Achham. One of the wonderful things about getting out of my comfort zone has been re-discovering forgotten pleasures.

Things that I'm taking less pleasure in:
-Food - we have enough to eat, but there's no comfort eating here
-Starbuck's coffee (although I have Via - a marvelous product for the traveler)
-Getting in the car to go someplace (no car, few places to go)
-Movies (don't got 'em)
-Sleeping (it's hot and the bed is hard)
-Nice clothes (I know this is hard to believe for some readers, but from my present vantage point I realize how much pleasure I took in putting on clean clothes)
-My belongings - there's nothing like NOT seeing my things every day to help me realize how much seeing all my things every day (house, car, lawn, garden, ...) gives me pleasure and comfort

Things that I'm taking more pleasure in:
-Talking to my wife (boy do I appreciate something more when it's limited)
-Emails and texts from my kids (hint!)
-Other people's kids
-Cool breezes (did I mention it's HOT?)
-Conversations with Nardi and Bryan
-Seeing how my work is or will help the hospital function more efficiently
-my gifts, and those of my colleagues (it's fun to realize on this small team with limited resources what each person, including myself, is capable of contributing)

So, what forgotten pleasures have you re-discovered recently?


  1. Philip, thank you for sharing your experiences. Your blog is wonderful. To your question - the PA sky have been wonderful these last few days. Great clouds, great light. I've briefly paused a few times to take it in, but after reading your post, I'm going to pause much, much longer. Thank you!
    God bless,

    1. Thanks Erik both for your feedback and for sharing a pleasure! See you soon.
