Monday, June 9, 2014

Phase 1: Benchmarking and Supplier Interviews

The Richard T Clark fellowship program is designed to promote the sharing of expertise between Merck and small non-governmental, non-profit companies engaged in Global Health improvement activities.  Our job for Possible Health involves (among other things) streamlining processes and improving procedures related to the entire supply chain for medicines and medical supplies, including whom to source from, how to ensure quality, and how to get the best prices.  Some of these medicines and supplies come through private distributors and some are procured and supplied through government channels to the hospital.

To do this, we decided early on that we wanted to make the best use of our time in Kathmandu, where most importers, large private hospitals, and government agencies are located.  So our schedule has been full of meetings.

Here's one example:
The National Tuberculosis Center provides TB treatment throughout the country.  It's supply chain practices have been very successful.  We spoke at length with the director about the key factors in their success and the challenges they face maintaining good quality at low prices.  We also shared traditional chiyaa tea, a common custom when meeting with visitors in Nepal.
Philip, Pradip, Bryan and Nardi at the Nepal National Tuberculosis Center 
After our meeting with the director


1 comment:

  1. Surprised to walk into prayer this am to Bob Seeger's "Kathmandu". We missed you, bro !
